
Monday, October 27, 2008

Old remember...and act on!!

The Unlawful Internet Gambling Enforcement Act of 2006 (H.R. 4411, Leach-Goodlatte) was passed by the House, the Senate and signed by the President on October 13, 2006.

If you believe in our right to play online poker
Write or call these do gooders
and express your self...please

Key Congressmen

Be sure to contact Senator Frist and tell him he is a moron for placing Internet Gambling (H.R. 4411) on the Senate's autumn agenda and bringing it to the floor for a vote.
Call: (202) 224-3344
Fax: (202) 228-1264
E-mail: Click here.

Be sure to thank the following Congressmen for leading the sheep heads and not giving up on this Internet gambling legislation that takes away our freedom!

Sen. Kyl (202) 224-4521

Rep. Leach (202) 225-6576

Rep. Goodlatte (202) 225-5431

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